Initial Standalone Platform Design

Reachable was built primarily as a Salesforce plugin and secondarily as a stand alone app. This made the standalone app very cumbersome and difficult to use. Enhancements needed to be made to make the stand alone app more useful

The basic concept of a standalone app existed when I came on to the project, but it had been built as an afterthought, so the UI was very confusing and I was unable to specifically determine how relationships between people were defined.

So we worked on the idea of understanding all the different types of relationships we wanted to map in the UI (see notes in the visuals) first off to gain understanding of how this needed to be built.

We first tried a scrollable down the page version of understanding how people were linked together - kind of like viewing a history or a log of some sort.

We found that too cumbersome and worked towards what you see in the mockups as it was more efficient to view multiple connections at one time and find relations

We believe a fully formed standalone product that is easy to use will gain the company more users

The biggest challenge was how to portray complex connections to people (for example: sam knows susan and susan knows both mark and mike who know bill) We worked through all the pathways that a user could get to another user and put together all the use cases that could come up. Most of these were already established in the alpha version we were working on improving, however in doing the analysis of the connections we did find a few that were not

More by Catherine Hicks

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