Instamatic Book - Social Media Design
In Instamatic, Suvir shares with us the inspiration behind his art and what drives him to create the culinary masterpieces that have won him popular acclaim and a Michelin star. He has long been a proponent of food’s ability to transcend countries, cultures, and civilizations and bring about a unique ability to converse and to heal. In this book, he shares with us his journeys across multiple civilizations, from the land of his birth to the land of his karma. Through the medium of a simple iPhone, Suvir shows us how to broaden our horizons and humanize one another, one image at a time. These 75 photos and the thoughts that accompany them make us sit up and pay attention to that which we would ordinarily ignore or take for granted. These are mature reflections, poetically expressed and of a profound sensibility, accompanied by images of a world seen beyond the naked eye.
Designed by Raj Breno for "A Billion People".
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