"Draw Something" Wallpaper

I have a confession to make. I have neglected the basics. I don't sketch nearly as often as I want to, or used to. I'm not talking about sketching logo concepts or wireframes, I'm talking about just drawing. For funsies. For practicies. For taking my eyeballs off a screen and focusing them onto a blank sheet of paper.

I recently came across this terrifying quote from Saul Bass: "Learn to draw! If you don’t, you’re gonna live your life getting around that and trying to compensate for that." I don't want to be one of those people, so I'm getting serious about it.

Inspired by illustrator Marc Johns' sketchbooks, I made sketchbooks at various sizes, one of which goes in my back pocket at all times. Then I made wallpapers for my iPhone and iPad. Now when I'm tempted to kill time on one of them, I have to look at this first.

You can grab the wallpaper here.

Posted on Mar 3, 2011
Seth Nickerson
Branding, design, type, illustration. Always hungry. ✌

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