DailyUI #011 - Flash Messages

Hej Dribbblers 👋

This is my #011 #DailyUI design.

Design Hint 💻 - Design a Flash Message with both the outcome for an error and success. Is it for a sign up form? A download/upload message?

The Idea 💡 - The idea for today’s UI design is a purpose built flash message for a theoretical app for Android and iOS. Just like yesterday's UI, I don't really have any idea going into this of what the design will look like; again this task is an "experiment", to see what I can come up with. I want it to feel unique.

Final Thoughts 🧠 - I like it. Halfway through experimenting with different ideas and looking on Dribbble for inspiration, I found out that I wanted to explore shapes, colours and emotions. For the "success" message, I wanted the user to feel accomplished and happy, and so I did some research into what shapes and colours trigger those kind of emotions and came up with soft-circles and the shades of green. For the "error" message I wanted the user to feel unaccomplished and alert, again I did some research and this time came up with hard-angled-triangles and the shades of red. I accompanied these two very polar opposite combinations with friendly looking, simple illustrations to spruce up the design but to also trigger the wanted emotions further. The result, two polar opposite flash messages, showing two very different meanings that triggers a wanted a response. Overall, I am very happy with the outcome and I think it looks really unique due to the simple illustrations I did - again, I surprised myself with this little experiment.

Hope you like, press "L" if you ❤️ my work!

As always, I welcome any feedback! 😄

Lastly, share the love by pressing the share button if you really like what you see! 👍

- Elliot

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