#PosiłekDlaSeniora – Mobile app

Here’s another sneak peek at Posilek Dla Seniora app.

What’s the initiative all about?

Along with Łukasz Pachytel, we've partnered with Grupa Warszawa to create a set of mobile and web apps, helping to fund sets of all-day meals for the elderly. Meals are delivered by restaurant workers and Polish celebrities (have you ever heard of a fitness guru, Ania Lewandowska? Yup, her too!).

Then, there's more. One of the world's finest type foundries, Swiss Typefaces, let us use one of their typefaces for free – to help make this product not only meaningful but beautiful as well. Make sure to check out their work – it'll make a splendid addition to any of your projects I'm sure.

Needless to say, it just feels good to be a part of it all. 🖤

Curious about how the rest of the project turned out? Check out https://posilekdlaseniora.pl/ and stay tuned for more shots! Take care and stay safe ✌️

We're available for new projects! Drop us a line at [email protected].

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