Innovative Book Recommendations

Often book recommendations are predictable. ā€˜You love Lord of the Rings? Youā€™ll love Game of Thrones.ā€™ Wrong! What if thereā€™s more nuance to taste than merely genre?

It turns out there is more nuance. Working with a data wizard we pulled book reviews from Goodreads. Who are all of the people that gave 5 stars to Lord of the Rings and 1 star to Game of Thrones? What did those people love?

The results are surprising indeed! (And how about that Out BS! book cover?! šŸ˜‚) These three recommendations are real, based on people with similar taste. We proved the concept. Now we only need recommendations automatically instead of manually working with all this data. šŸ˜

Phil Smith
Itā€™s Go Time!

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