Ride Slow | Stay Rad Dad Hat

What's better than a dad hat? A rad hat.

I’ve been quiet for awhile and haven’t posted much new work, but wanted to provide some updates.

Right when the pandemic started, my wife and I were about to start a move. We spent a couple months packing, moving, unpacking, and getting settled into a new place. During that time, my team at work— that I had worked with for 4 years since the Code School days— was dissolved. I was left without a team, but, luckily, joined another soon after. It’s been stressful, busy, and hectic, but... We are in a home we love, I’m learning so much on my new team, and, now, I’m launching Ride Slow Co. which is a project I’ve been working on in the background since November 2019.

I’m so stoked to share it with y’all! Go check out rideslow.co and the giveaway on the rideslow.co Instagram!

Ty Fortune
Product Designer, illustrator, musician.

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