EVE Online: Lost Manufacturing Report Lite
I made a (lite) dashboard that shows players what ships and items will be profitable or have a loss if they simply were to buy all the materials and components needed directly from the market as opposed to mining/building each one directly.
The data is populated from scraping a popular manufacturing web app that just shows you the materials/components needed to build the ships and items while factoring in the real-time in-game market data. The tool does show you the profit and losses per ship and item too, but you have to manually enter in variables per entity to see the results. My script pre-enters those variables, gets the results in the Python script and saves it to a single data source that is easily traversed in this dashboard.
The result is a quick and easy way to see the by hourly profit and loss of building a item or ship that players can act on in-game to hopefully profit.
Dashboard link: https://public.tableau.com/profile/glen.swan#!/vizhome/ManufacturingReportWeeklyHighlight/Dashboard2