#PosiłekDlaSeniora – Mobile app
Ok, guys – this one will be quite personal!
As designers, I believe we are all driven by a mutual goal – we want to have a positive impact on this crazy world around us.
COVID-19 epidemic certainly affected us as a humanity – but some more than others. A lot of Polish Seniors (group already prone to loneliness and financial struggles) has been left helpless in their homes, unable to cope with these terrifying circumstances.
Along with Łukasz Pachytel, we've partnered with Grupa Warszawa to create a set of mobile and web apps, helping to fund sets of all-day meals for the elderly. Meals are delivered by restaurant workers and Polish celebrities (have you ever heard of a fitness guru, Ania Lewandowska? Yup, her too!).
Then, there's more. One of the world's finest type foundries, Swiss Typefaces, let us use one of their typefaces for free – to help make this product not only meaningful but beautiful as well. Make sure to check out their work – it'll make a splendid addition to any of your projects I'm sure.
Needless to say, it just feels good to be a part of it all. 🖤
Curious about how the rest of the project turned out? Check out https://posilekdlaseniora.pl/ and stay tuned for more shots! Take care and stay safe ✌️
We're available for new projects! Drop us a line at [email protected].
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