
I think it looks better with a bit of extra breathing space: http://d.pr/LUNR

Short brief: "Juniorhood is all about providing customers fun, inspirational, day brightening, and potentially life changing experiences. These experiences can be taken as seriously or lightly as the individual likes. If taken lightly, it can be a refreshing and enlightening experience where the individual learns a lot and has as much fun as they like. If taken seriously, these experiences can be used to gain a well-rounded knowledge about the field they are experiencing, including learning about the good and bad aspects of working in that particular field. This short experience may be all that is required to motivate that individual to make a career change or start their own business or at least make serious plans to. All sorts of interesting fields will be offered including interior designer, fashion designer, photographer, journalist, travel writer, or jobs working with animals and much more.

The whole idea behind the name is that no matter what age, gender, background or whatever else - everyone has a so-called “youthful”, “junior” side to them where they want to have fun and have new experiences."

Any thoughts?

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