Building My Empire Mural Timelapse

Fun fact: once you paint 1 mural, you're officially a muralist šŸ™ƒā 
I used all kinds of excuses to avoid painting a mural even though it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. Most of my excuses fell under the "I don't have enough experience" category. And I have to admit, I felt a very unfamiliar and long-forgotten feeling of serious nerves as I reached to put down that first stroke of paint.ā 
But just like any other creative skill, you've got to try (and fail) to learn. I came out of this first mural with a list of things to keep in mind or to do differently for the next one. And every mural I do will prepare me for the one after!ā 
Thank you to @homsweethom for providing your usual plethora of motivation, inspiration, and knowledge in your Mural Painting for Designers courseā€”it was just what I needed to start shedding my doubts and start living my dream!ā 

Jessica Molina
Bold, empowering lettering & illustration for brands

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