ANODE - Transmission Outage Study Interface

We designed and built this interface application for a regional energy company. Integrating with their existing transmission outage simulation software, it allows their engineers to visualize the effect of upcoming equipment outages on the power grid. Engineers and coordinators can now quickly study simulation results, safely maintaining the schedule of grid equipment outages for maintenance, repairs, and additions.

This view is of a one month study, showing all the outages within that time period. This visualization allows engineers to quickly scan and see issues with upcoming outages, as well as patterns of issues and time periods that might be available for outages needing to be moved. We also baked in access to underlying data directly into popovers and modals on the ticket IDs, outage day codes, calendar days, and issue alert icons. The result is an interface that puts the both the high-level view and much of the underlying data right at the engineer's fingertips. This all makes analysis and rescheduling almost immeasurably faster than without the interface.

Simple Thread
Digital product design & engineering
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