#2 Study | Copy | Google Interface

Hello Dribbblers!

Today I want to share with you my second study about copy interfaces.

In this study I copied a Google Interface with a Dribbble searched.

What did I learn by copying a Google interface?

1 - 12 icons were used, all in .svg
2 - The logo is .png
3 - A total of 13 colors were used:

Black and white text:
# 70757A
# 5F6368
# 4D5156
# 222222
# 202124

Featured text:
Blue - # 1A73E8
Dark Blue - # 1A0BAD
Purple - # 660099

Google logo:
Red - # EA4335
Yellow - # FBBC04
Blue - # 4285F4
Green - # 34A853

4) Font: Arial Family (Regular and Bold).

5 typography sizes were used:

- 30px (big title "Dribbble" under the images)
- 20px (titles)
- 14 px (paragraph) with 6 paragraph spacing
- 13 px (navigation menu and search result)
- 12px (feedback)

5) GRID:

A grid with 24 columns and 12 Gutter worked well.

More by Tiago Maia

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