Karate Qualities
Believe it or not, sometime after social distancing ends, my son and I will still be testing for our black belts in karate together. As part of my requirements, I created this illustration. The qualities that a black belt must embody are just as important as fluency in the techniques, katas, and combinations.
It wasn't planned, but I love that her foot is kicking "Dedication" because I feel like that is an expression of exactly where I am at in my karate journey at the moment. We are currently red belts and it took a lot of dedication over 3 years to get here. And its taken a whole new level of dedication to stick to our training without the routine of making it to the dojo to train in person.
All that said, our karate school Action Karate Mt. Airy has done an excellent job of keeping in contact and offering instruction and support through daily Zoom classes and text message check ins. Much gratitude to Rochelle Brenner and her excellent team.