Zero Fucks Given

How drawing cuss words and flowers landed me my dream on for my story!⁠

A couple of years ago, I started a passion project called #pettypostcards, a series of mean handlettered notes to send to your ex. I had just been through a bad break-up and was simultaneously looking for inspiration in my work. It was the perfect solution!⁠

Truthfully, though, I was kind of nervous about it. I wasn't sure people would "get" it. I worried people would think I was an overall mean, petty person. And I didn't really want to to offend anyone (except maybe my ex 😂). Eventually I did what I always do when I'm unsure about my work—I offered the idea to my closest friends for their input. I got a resounding thumbs up from them...they all loved the idea, thought it was perfect for me, and even offered their own phrase suggestions.⁠

Several months after the launch of the project, I got a message asking if I'd be interested in creating a line of enamel pins with the same style as Petty Postcards. I couldn't believe it...not only did people love my project, but a ~real company~ wanted to hire me to create similar work! Turns out more people than I thought wanted to see my pretty, flowery, colorful cuss words.⁠

The moral of the story for me was to continue to create work that is true to myself. Petty Postcards was just one facet of my personality (the sassiest part, in case you were wondering 💁🏽‍♀️); but it was one that was very relatable. If I had just kept the idea to myself, I would have never had the opportunity to sell my artwork and gain a larger audience. It has continued to inspire me to dig deep and share more of my personality.⁠

Are there pieces of art you've been hesitant to share because they feel too personal? Is there an idea you have that you're scared to put out into the world? Let me know in the comments or feel free to send me a DM if you'd like some input!

Jessica Molina
Bold, empowering lettering & illustration for brands
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