The Coastline.
A few months back I was talking to several Airbnb users from almost to every domain, for instance, Home Maker, IT Professional, CreativeProfessional, Finance Professional and many more. Everyone wants a break, time out at least once in a year to feel relaxed and reinvent himself or herself. Also have intentions to make him too well prepared for upcoming challenges for this fast track of life. Interesting part is for this rejuvenating experience, mostly individual wants to experience this alone, along with the preference of Coastline locations.
Then the Coastlines born
Airbnb is a big, big epic, being a user I want to book an accommodation in a city where I can live better for a short time period. Breaking it down to many small stories and here is the Coastline story. that is “I want to explore alone nearby Coastlines where I can do things I want”.
Ongoing project, And sharing small pieces of this project.