LMS pupil assessment platform

Full Clarity we’re brought in to help with improving the UX/UI design of a Learning Management System (LMS) which measures and assess a range of schools, pupils, curriculums and subjects.

One of the challenges to address was to consider clever ways to enable the content to pack down easily on narrower breakpoints.

We identified that using clearer iconography and labelling would assist in the overall user experience and that a clearer colour scheme was needed whilst keeping the very familiar RAG ratings (Red, Amber, Green) which users liked.

As there was a huge amount of rich functionality, the colours on this project all needed to ‘mean’ something, and designing a consistent and relevant colour language was a huge improvement in helping users to navigate around.

We also designed a way to enable the left hand side Selection Menu to show and hide to enable more display space for the right hand side assessments information which will help with the responsive tablet users, we also made use of hiding and showing content on scroll. ___ Need help for your LMS or education assessment software?

Please get in touch [email protected]

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Full Clarity
UX | Product design | App development

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