On Relationships With Death

This design was a focus on my personal relationship with death, as a 23 year old woman. I personally have a close relationship with death, and do not fear it so I wanted to covey that in a heavily conceptual way. I first started with the concept of the hands, both live and "dead" holding one another to symbolize the closeness of death and the natural cycle of it. I thought heavily of the phrase "as above so below" during this process and I believe with my colour choices and placement this idea comes through in a subtile way that helps push my concept. I then wanted to continue the lifecycle theme by adding a montage of a rose from bud to wilt, and exaggerating this process with colour and saturation. I then wanted the symbolism of a heart included, so I chose to go with a realistic heart pulling the colours from the roses. The diamond silhouettes were incorporated to bring a sense of cohesiveness to the design and add an aesthetic flare that I think makes the design that much stronger.

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