How Do DC Motors Work?

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DC Motors what are they and how do they work? DC (Direct Current) motors are a small component that is used inside many everyday items. For instance they are responsible for keeping your PC from overheating, mixing together your favourite smoothie or helping you brush your teeth with your electric tooth brush. But exactly how do they work?

Please watch this short animation explaining the basic fundamentals how applying a current though a conductor that is inside a magnetic field creates mechanical movement.

I created this animation to test my 3D, graphic & sound design skills to produce an animation that can teach people of all ages the basic principles of electro magnetism.

I chose a DC motor despite it been a relatively simple concept; However it is more complex than you would think. The challenges I faced were how I could deliver the information that would be visually engaging but also the user would be able to understand the concept of electro magnetism.
When creating the animation I had a few challenges to overcome. The first challenge was to choose an everyday item the user could relate to I chose a pocket fan as they are widely available.

The second challenge to tackle was how was I am going to present the information. I Chose to use animated components and visual references that help aid the information that is been delivered.

The final challenge was the use of sound. I chose to use commentary over descriptive text at each stage; as you could listen to the information and visually see the explanation in conjunction with one another. I learnt how important it is to make sure the audio was clear, crisp and concise making sure the visual element lined up with the commentary at the exact moment. Finally I made sure that the script for the commentary complimented the animation at each stage.

More by Chris Curtis

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