
It feels like you can’t breathe, something is holding you down and is having control over your body. That is what anxiety can feel like for many people. It certainly does for me. ⁣

I started struggling with bad anxiety at university and it is the scariest thing I have ever felt. I felt mad, lonely, scared and vulnerable. But, it is important to know, and I wish more people knew this, that anxiety acts so different depending on the person, and let’s not forget about the several anxiety disorders. PTSD, social anxiety, general anxiety, panic attacks etc. But what they all have in common is the fear. ⁣

My heart goes out to all of you who suffers from anxiety. You are not alone ❤️⁣

This is the second illustration of a series I am working on about mental disorders. Check out my first post to see my first illustration about depression. ⁣

With this series I want to showcase the pain and feelings the disorders can bring but also create something that people who suffers from the disorders can relate to.

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