Mama Tried Illustration

Gotta love the process // I was in a bit of a creative block trying to come up with ideas for the 2020 Mama Tried poster this year. Sometimes you have to take a step back and remember why you love creating in the first place. I had this idea for a series on my way home from the studio one night, got home and couldn’t do anything else. Before I knew it, it was 2am (sorry to my wife). It was one of those ideas I just had to get out right then and there.
The idea stemmed from our overall concept (at Three-Headed) of gods and goddesses. The idea that motorcycle culture is in itself it’s own religion to a lot of people. It’s weird and bizarre but also there are a lot of passionate people. We wanted to embrace that idea and create a brand identity and illustration system that felt like it’s own religion. Gods and goddesses shooting laser roads into the air to invite people in to ride the open roads or come to the show was the base idea and elevator speech. But we wanted to expand on that.

These illustrations came to me based on the idea of builders creating something rare and unique. It’s weird at times and sometimes doesn’t make sense or doesn’t exist but it works. Much like an owl fox or a ram rabbit or a horse fish. Everything at the MT show is rare and unique but beautiful and a little weird at the same time. It just comes together and you can’t help but stare.

Anyway, I thought I would share a little bit of the process with you guys. It’s fun to hear how things get to it’s final destination sometimes. Pretty happy these made it out the door. Almost didn’t make it past internal creative review, but I’m sure glad they did!

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