Drowning in Light

Dove in head first in blending modes for this piece, and I'm surprisingly pleased at how put together it came out. I couldn't for the life of me add a mouth to the chap, so I guess now I have to tag him as "thoughtful" and "pensive" and pretend that was my intention from the start. Lol.

Been drowning myself on work lately, so I haven't had much time to do illustration. Still cooking up a thank-you note for being invited to Dribbble by team player Serhii Kashchaiev, check him out at https://dribbble.com/Grindscream.

Afterthoughts: modular design is a challenge and I could have stuck with it more intensely in order to flex that area of my brain.

Thoughts & tips appreciated on the down below. Cheers,

Posted on Feb 26, 2020

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