NameShouts - Homepage

Yo Dreebl! 🏀

Have I pronounced that right? Well I wouldn’t be such an ever-questioning dumbie if I’ve ever gotten myself responsible & started using a product such as NameShouts for example.

You, me, everyone and everything has a name. NameShouts knows how to pronounce all that RIGHT (approved by natives!!) in 20 languages. Minus things. We’re actually talking mostly human beings’ names that exist within the products’ database here to be honest but we all like to consume a hyperbole from time to time so-

Here is an upcoming landing page I’ve done with them. As you can see, The Elephant outsmarts me & has actually checked out on NameShouts™ how to call The Bird RIGHT before even opening his mouth (or trunk?? do we have any mammalogists here??) a slight inch. The good impression has been made, The Bird waves back content n’ all, everyone is happy, everyone is talking with each other irregardless of their specimen, it’s The Babel Tower℠ of our times; the animal kingdom has officially surpassed us culturally at this point thanks to this One Simple Canadian SaaS Product™ and the level of shame we feel as humanity doesn’t even allow us to take an appropriate action.

At least go and see if your name is there.

Hit “L” on your keyboard and see what happens

Dominik Bednarz
👁️ 👁️

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