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  2. Tasks - Maddesign Figma UI KIT application b2b business crm dashboard list minimalistic notes platform productivity tasks to do ui ux web website
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  5. Tokoo - Ecommerce Website animation b2b b2c buy clothing dipa inhouse ecommerce fashion hero hero section online store sell shop shopify startup store style uiux web page website
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  6. Furniture Purchase - Vision OS apple apple vision ar business cart checkout list profile purchase rate reviews shop online shopify shopping shopping cart ui ux vision os vr xr
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  9. By:Matthew The Shirt animation ecommerce interface promo shopify ui ux web website
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  16. Commerce Platform for Business Growth - Orders Empty State analytics b2b clean dashboard dashboard design ecommerce empty state marketing tools marketplace minimal reporting saas saas dashboard sales dashboard shop shopify store ui ux web app
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  17. Switch to your preferred theme. colors dark theme design figma light theme theme ui
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  18. AutoForge - Automotive Web Animation animation autoforge automotive automotive landing page car car accessories dark mode ecommerce design footer gradient homepage logo marketplace motion motion graphics shopify tire ui design web animation wheels
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  19. Aloe Vera Cream eCommerce Website Design aloe vera aloe vera cream beauty product beauty products showcase beauty website cosmetics template cream ecommerce e commerce template ecommerce website redesign responsive layout shopify designer shopify web design shopify website shopify website design skin care cream skin care website skincare product page skincare website web ui
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  21. Commerce Platform for Business Growth - Orders analytics b2b clean dashboard design ecommerce light mode marketing tools metrics minimal saas saas dashboard sales dashboard shop shopify store table ui ux web app
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  22. Paleovalley - Shopify Website Design for Food Powders clickfunnel dropshipping store ecommerce food food powder product product details product landing page shopify shopify designer shopify developer shopify landing page shopify one product store shopify theme customization shopify website single product shopify store single produuct store solo product website vegetables woocommerce
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  23. Wink | Fashion Clothing Brand Responsive Website cloth store clothing ecommerce ecommerce website fashion luxury minimal design online shopping orbix studio product cart responsive shopify ui ux website woman fashion woocommerce
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