1. X8 Visual Identity, Motion System, Shopify Ecommerce adencys animation avrdenis awwwards conversion rate optimization ecommerce ecommerce app eyewear flagship store glasses product page promo shopify shopify experts shopify partners shopify plus shopify store shopify themes ui ux
    View X8 Visual Identity, Motion System, Shopify Ecommerce
    X8 Visual Identity, Motion System, Shopify Ecommerce
  2. Close.com Website Revamp (Live) animation conversion rate optimisation crm hero hero exploration homepage homepage design india marketing site marketing website saas saas design saas product saas website ui design web design webflow website website design website revamp
    View Close.com Website Revamp (Live)
    Close.com Website Revamp (Live)
  3. Goat Tools | Ad Design ad design conversion rate optimization cro cro design cro strategy design ecommerce ads facebook ads figma gif graphic design
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    Goat Tools | Ad Design
  4. Seina - Conversion Rate Optimization Landing Page animation conversion rate conversion rate optimisation design exploration icon illustration landing page landingpage rocket space ui uidesign user interface userinterface ux vector web website website design
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    Seina - Conversion Rate Optimization Landing Page
  5. Spendflo.com : SaaS Website Revamp (Live) animation conversion rate optimisation homepage homepage animation homepage design landing page design marketing site marketing website saas saas animation saas design saas product saas website web design web development webflow website website revamp
    View Spendflo.com : SaaS Website Revamp (Live)
    Spendflo.com : SaaS Website Revamp (Live)
  6. Upscaler: B2B SaaS Website Hero Animation 3d animation 3d illustration b2b saas c4d conversion rate optimisation hero design hero exploration homepage homepage design landing page design marketing website saas saas landing page saas product saas website saas website design web design webflow website
    View Upscaler: B2B SaaS Website Hero Animation
    Upscaler: B2B SaaS Website Hero Animation
  7. Conversion Flow Website Design 3d 3d illustration c4d cinema 4d conversion rate optimisation hero exploration homepage marketing website saas saas design agency saas website saas website design web design webflow webflow development webflow development agency website
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    Conversion Flow Website Design
  8. Website design for marketing automation platform - Showreel conversion optimization design designinspiration figma landing page design landingpagedesign marketing automation marketingwebsite motion graphics product design ui ui design uiux uiuxdesign ux ux case study ux strategy ux trends web design
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    Website design for marketing automation platform - Showreel
  9. How we 3x our conversion rate with an onboarding checklist animation casestudy checklist figma jitter motion graphics onboarding pricing productdesign sidebar ui webapp
    View How we 3x our conversion rate with an onboarding checklist
    How we 3x our conversion rate with an onboarding checklist
  10. Tebra - New Homepage Design for Enhanced Conversion šŸŽ‰ animation clean conversion design doctor healthcare hero hero section homepage landing page landing page ui medical minimal product design saas saas landing page ui ux web design website
    View Tebra - New Homepage Design for Enhanced Conversion šŸŽ‰
    Tebra - New Homepage Design for Enhanced Conversion šŸŽ‰
  11. Ramos - Website design for digital business analytic platform analytics animation conversion corporate website digital marketing interaction landing page motion promo landing promotional website scroll ui ux web web design website
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    Ramos - Website design for digital business analytic platform
  12. Seina Landing Page Header animation conversion rate conversion rate optimisation design exploration illustration landing page landingpage space ui uidesign user interface web website website design
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    Seina Landing Page Header
  13. Firecorp - Finance Dashboard analytics animation b2b banking charts conversion currency dashboard dipa inhouse finance fintech hover modern money product design saas startup transaction ui webapp
    View Firecorp - Finance Dashboard
    Firecorp - Finance Dashboard
  14. UI Elements Transitions for a Telematics Platform analytics animation b2b b2c cloud based crm data visualization management menu navigation monitoring optimization saas saas analytics software telematics telematics solutions telematics system ui ui elements web
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    UI Elements Transitions for a Telematics Platform
  15. Ridesharing landing page animation animations carpool cars clean conversion conversion rate optimisation creative cro interactive landing page landingpage landingpagedesign light moving optimized ridesharing taxi ui webdesign
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    Ridesharing landing page
  16. Holdwork - Website design for the video interaction platform animation colors conversion corporate website illustration landing page marketing minimal motion product landing promo promo landing scroll vibrant web design webpage website
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    Holdwork - Website design for the video interaction platform
  17. Productivity App Website Exploration 3d art 3d illustration c4d conversion rate optimisation growth header design header exploration homepage india marketing site marketing website minimal saas saas design saas landing page saas website visual design web design website website design
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    Productivity App Website Exploration
  18. Personal website animation animation conversion rate optimisation growth header header exploration homepage illustration india marketing website mumbai personal website portfolio site saas saas design saas landing page saas website ui ux web design website
    View Personal website animation
    Personal website animation
  19. ProxyGun | Secure & Invincible animation anonymity brand identity conversion rate global ip network graphic design privacy solutions. proxy services security ui user engagement user experience ux website
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    ProxyGun | Secure & Invincible
  20. Ecommerce Redesign with 50% sales Increase - LoveTheSales.com animation app branding conversion design ecommerce interface landing page retail shopping ui user experience uxui web design website
    View Ecommerce Redesign with 50% sales Increase - LoveTheSales.com
    Ecommerce Redesign with 50% sales Increase - LoveTheSales.com
  21. [Animation] Metatank - SEO Landing Page animation branding desktop digital marketing interaction landing page marketing motion planning pricing product search engine optimization seo service simple ui ux website
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    [Animation] Metatank - SEO Landing Page
  22. Heart Rate Monitoring Mobile iOS App analysis android animation app app design app interaction dashboard design health healthcare ios medecine mobile mobile app mobile ui monitoring motion online ui ux
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    Heart Rate Monitoring Mobile iOS App
  23. Tapcart: visual identity for e-commerce platform app builder branding conversion digital product e commrce logo marketing mobile app motion no code saas design shopify uiux uiux design visual identity
    View Tapcart: visual identity for e-commerce platform
    Tapcart: visual identity for e-commerce platform
  24. Subscription - 30% OFF aftereffect animation branding dashboard design plan design subscription discount rate hire designer mobile app motion graphics product product design ui ui dino ui dino agency ui ux uidino user experience ux video
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    Subscription - 30% OFF
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