1. GreenGoodsco. E-commerce app and responsive web design design figma graphic design mobile ui ux
    View GreenGoodsco. E-commerce app and responsive web design
    GreenGoodsco. E-commerce app and responsive web design
  2. ByteLearn.AI - a bite sized learnings app concept ai app concept design exploration figma learning app mobile quiz app ui ux visual design
    View ByteLearn.AI - a bite sized learnings app concept
    ByteLearn.AI - a bite sized learnings app concept
  3. Monthly.Ai - an AI powered Calender app for monthly goals ai calendar design figma goal management mobile progress tracking reminder app ui ux
    View Monthly.Ai - an AI powered Calender app for monthly goals
    Monthly.Ai - an AI powered Calender app for monthly goals
  4. Sign Up form #DailyUI dailyui figma signup ui
    View Sign Up form #DailyUI
    Sign Up form #DailyUI
  5. Logistics Dashboard Design for Long-haul trucking dashboard design delivery tracking design figma logistics design ui ux
    View Logistics Dashboard Design for Long-haul trucking
    Logistics Dashboard Design for Long-haul trucking
  6. PetSmart - Organic pet food app design figma mobile app ux
    View PetSmart - Organic pet food app
    PetSmart - Organic pet food app
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Sargun Singh