BD - Movie ticket layers

September 27, 2016

Just a test of After Effects and Photoshop gif export. Not very happy with the quality of the export. How do you guys export gif's ... ?

BD Ratings - Full Case Study

November 17, 2015

This is one of the full case study that i will be featuring on my website. It should be ready until January next year.

BD Ratings Case Study

October 30, 2015

So i’m working on this massive case study for BD Ratings (i’m talking 26.256 px in height), i only have 3 more pictures to finish, and to make the copy in Romanian and English (this should be easy … or not), but i really wanted to show y...

Bd Ratings

October 13, 2015

After a couple of hours in Adobe Edge animate i was able to make this sweet animation - i know, i know, it's not perfect, but for an exercise it’s more then enough. I had a little problem exporting to a gif and optimising it, but this wi...

BD Rating* Movie Release

February 26, 2015

*Blu-Ray and DVD. One of my friends is building a web service where you can see what Blue-Ray movies will be available soon or are already available. Design done in 5 hours - not to bad ;)

Available for new projects

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Adrian Rus 🤺