1. Sport personal website - Aïkido aikido black contrast courses japan japanese judo karate landing page minimalist sport ui ux uxui videos web white
    View Sport personal website - Aïkido
    Sport personal website - Aïkido
  2. La Gaité Lyrique - Museum website art artist branding exhibition museum ui ux uxui web
    View La Gaité Lyrique - Museum website
    La Gaité Lyrique - Museum website
  3. MISSION MARS astronaut augmented reality augmentedreality camera design mars mission science fiction sf space the martian ui ux uxui
  4. Booking app - Discover new places & find the best spot adventure app appartment appdesign bnb booking booking app chalet cottage house loan place rent ui uiconcept ux uxuidesign
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    Booking app - Discover new places & find the best spot
  5. Marcus - WWF web campaign animals campaign ecological ecology environment future nature planet save the planet sea turtle ui design ux uxui wwf
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    Marcus - WWF web campaign
  6. Podcast player - Le Petit Prince / The Little Prince audio audio player exupéry letter podcast prince ui uidesign ux uxui web
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    Podcast player - Le Petit Prince / The Little Prince
  7. Wine app concept branding concept ui ux wine wine bottle wine glass wine label winery
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    Wine app concept
  8. Tracks - Music Player App artist design hiphop music music app music art music player musician player rap singer song song lyrics ui ux
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    Tracks - Music Player App
  9. Personal finance app bank banking app design finance ui uiux ux
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    Personal finance app
  10. Online class - dashboard for courses management courses dashboad design online classes ux web
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    Online class - dashboard for courses management
  11. Online class - mixed course courses design online classes ux video call web
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    Online class - mixed course
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