1. Identity for a cafe BLUR in Kyiv branding graphic design identity logo
    View Identity for a cafe BLUR in Kyiv
    Identity for a cafe BLUR in Kyiv
  2. Mockup of beer in the style of the movie Grand Budapest Hotel beer graphic design
    View Mockup of beer in the style of the movie Grand Budapest Hotel
    Mockup of beer in the style of the movie Grand Budapest Hotel
  3. Mailing list for the Creative Market design mailing list
    View Mailing list for the Creative Market
    Mailing list for the Creative Market
  4. Landing page for Vilfoodia restaurant landing ui design restaurant
    View Landing page for Vilfoodia restaurant
    Landing page for Vilfoodia restaurant
  5. Landing page for the Alpine Hare Hotel in the Alps design hotel landing ui
    View Landing page for the Alpine Hare Hotel in the Alps
    Landing page for the Alpine Hare Hotel in the Alps
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