Minsk Protest Map Poster

February 02, 2021

Dedicated to all who had been standing for Belarus freedom and better future since August 2020 in my hometown Minsk. On this poster map i've gathered main protest places, some of people and symbols that have inspired me and other Belarus...

Angel of Belarusian Justice

January 25, 2021

How i imagine typical judge in nowadays lukashenko’s Belarus where 18-years old girl was just sentenced to 2 years of colony for drawing on policeman shield.

Belarusian Dystopia

November 02, 2020

Created under influence of past week events in Belarus where everyday life get more and more in common with living in some crazy dystopian novel. Absolutely stupid in its violence and any logic absence repressions of students, sportsme...

Strike the Regime

October 26, 2020

For the support of Belarus protests and nationwide strike started today after "People's Ultimatum" march which was the autumn largest march in Belarus.

Autumn in Minsk

October 07, 2020

Nothing special. Just ordinary autumn activities in Minsk during past weekend.

Inauguration Of the Rat King

September 25, 2020

This guy is totally worth to be nominated for Darwin Awards as Person of the Year.

100 Years of Kupalauski Theater Sticker

September 17, 2020

On this Monday was 100th anniversary of Yanka Kupala Belarusian National Theater - the oldest drama theater in the country and one of the cultural treasures of Belarus. Most of the employees supported the protesters from the very start a...

Belarusian Spies in Enemies' Skies

September 08, 2020

Short sad story about how Lukashenko has intercepted call between Warsaw and Berlin. Knowing the level of Belarusian intelligence it is the only way they could do such operations.

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Alex Krugli