Nikon Service and Support

July 18, 2017

Responsible for user experience design and UI development, maintenance of Nikon USA websites: Nikon Mexico, Nikon Brazil and Latin America for approximately 11 million engaged users. Developed Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JavaScript usability sol...

Virtual Reality Webkit CSS

June 27, 2017

Demonstration of Webkit CSS turning scene using iPhone accelerometer.

Immanuel Kant

May 09, 2017

"Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." Immanuel Kant.

Personal Gallery 3D

March 24, 2017

WORK IN PROGRESS: You must trick the browser, but only so far. It will feature clients I've had: • DOW JONES / WALL STREET JOURNAL • GOLDMAN SACHS • DISNEY / PIXAR • OGILVY / DOVE / CISCO / IBM • SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN / NASA • NIKON Bes...

The Shape of Things to Come – H. G. Wells

December 08, 2016

The immersive H. G. Wells interactive E-book experience - The Shape of Things to Come: This immersive book captures vignettes of H. G. Wells predictions for the 20th Century while providing the reader with literary and interactive illus...

The Shape of Things to Come – H. G. Wells

December 02, 2016

The immersive H. G. Wells interactive E-book experience - The Shape of Things to Come: This immersive book is meant to capture small vignettes of H. G. Wells predictions for the 20th Century while providing the reader with literature...

StageTech Site Architecture

August 10, 2016

Site Architecture indicating page structure and where links will take a user. This structure study needs to be explored before a single page is created. This early phase is important for identifying which path provides the user with a s...

When Flash Ruled the World

August 08, 2016

Once upon a time there was a platform called Flash: Technology changes, and with change come challenges. As Flash declined, a sudden and urgent need to embrace what would be called HTML5 resulted. Beginning in 2004 to 2010, my transiti...