Book 2 (160over90)

August 14, 2014

Welp... here is book #2. Once all of these are totally approved I'll upload big copies.

Philly Craigslist

August 14, 2014

I will be finishing the second book today... then it's on to book 3!

Philly Sportzz

July 25, 2014


July 10, 2014

Some people contribute things to society. Like firefighters, doctors, social workers, teachers, etc. I on the other hand am a 30 year old man who just got paid to make this dumb thing.

Keep Philadelphia Um...

July 01, 2014

More on these books.


May 23, 2014

Starting to work on the second book!

Book 1(60over90)

May 14, 2014

Finding free time to make this (virtual book) amongst a million projects has been fun. Now I just need to make 2 other ones. The copy on these is fucking killer.

Process Game

May 07, 2014

Still cranking away at that internal project for 160over90. Slowly.

Available for new projects

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