Crypto Wallet App: Login Screen

December 20, 2019

Hi Dribbblers! Both signing in and signing up are easy and fast. No one likes long registration procedure, right? Also, we have added a feature, that uses you fingerprint (if your phone lets) to sign in even faster, there is no need to k...

Crypto Wallet App: Onboarding Screens

December 17, 2019

Hi mates, let's take a closer look with our new app We offer the proper onboarding experience for the app in order to familiarize new users with the app’s interface, its features and all the benefits it can propose. Sounds tempting right...

Crypto Wallet App: Exchange Screen

December 13, 2019

Thanks to our application, you can easily convert one type of cryptocurrency to another Check full presentation: Crypto Wallet App We regularly supplement our cool Blog with new articles, follow the link and expand your knowledge in d...

Crypto Wallet App: Wallet Screen

December 11, 2019

Wallets allow the user not only to store and receive digital currency, but also to track the quantity and value of ALL the cryptocurrencies that user has, either it is a bitcoin, ripple, ethertium, litecoin, etc. Check full presentation...

Banking App

August 19, 2019

Hi Dribbblers! We are glad to show you our banking app where you can increase capital by putting money on deposit. There are two options for deposit: annual and monthly. You can choose the most suitable option for you. We regularly supp...