Compare Shortlist

March 11, 2020

Hello Dribbblers! So today I would like to show you something called "Compare Shortlist" - in general, users can compare previously selected loans on this view. Make sure you'll check other attachment! BTW. I'm currently open to any ...

Document Uploader

March 09, 2020

Hey! After 2 years I can start showing more views from Loan Dashboard project that I designed back in 2018. So this time I present you an document uploader. Make sure you'll check attachments! Yeah, in this week I will post more ;)...

Application Details (Loan Admin Dashboard)

August 30, 2018

Hello Dribbblers 👋 So in May I started working on quite large project (in this week I will hit 200 hours of design work... 😱) for one of my clients. It's basically Loan Dashboard... unfortunately I can only show admin dashboard...for no...

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Mateusz Dembek