Portfolio v9? Maybe

October 14, 2019

Playing around more with some of the layout ideas. I wanted to explore something better than just a single column website, so I opted for a 5 column mobile grid. So far it seems like this is possible, but I've got other layouts in mind t...

Coming up with portfolio designs is hard

September 03, 2019

Put together a fake news site to practice using css grid. It's technically all the stuff from my portfolio, so it would be hilarious to use this as my portfolio site versus what's on there. I might actually put this up.

Updating my personal site

September 03, 2018

I've updated a lot on my personal site. Since I'm no longer using this to take in client inquiries, I figured I'd have a little fun with this and try out css grid. I'm not going to be doing a whole lot to make this glamorous for now. Jus...

Simplified Style Guide for Personal Site

May 09, 2017

Some more explorations for the branding done on my personal portfolio

Logo icon for portfolio menu

April 24, 2017

The brand mark as it sits in my current portfolio menu at [DarianRosebrook.com](https://darianrosebrook.com)

Playing around with Lockups

April 24, 2017

Playing around with some lockup designs for my logo icon. It's been a while since I touched this up, so it turned out pretty okay. Still not very scaleable, but it works for the sizes of materials I am working with.


November 26, 2016

Here's all the icons I have made for the new branding for my personal brand. Each one serves it's purpose in it's respective space, adding to the rest of the brand unity.

Automating my work

November 26, 2016

I'm working on setting up a system for creating the feature images on my portfolio site. Templating in this area will serve it's purpose until I can afford time to make each feature image a little more unique to each project.