Creative Service

March 25, 2020

Creative hospitality I’ve had this idea in my head for a while. It finally came together after seeing so many talented creatives and independents pulling together and spreading love and support during this crazy time! I have a backgr...

Mindful Reminders

April 05, 2019

Finding a good work and life balance being a freelance designer is so important. It can be difficult and these illustrations help me figure out away to do that. I'm drifting more and more to these simple illustrations which to me, repre...

Mindful Reminders

April 02, 2019

Massive thanks to @Sticker Mule for these awesome coasters! Procrastinating? Drink more coffee and draw more stuff! Having a bad day? Stickers for your forehead! Mindful reminders found here 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Fried Cactus Instagram

Mindful Reminders

August 30, 2018

The idea process is a difficult one But if you can identify where your ideas come from, thats half the battle Fried Cactus Instagram

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Aron leah