1. Samsung SmartThings - Monitor your home from anywhere amazon web services backend development cloud devoteam iot java kotlin native ios android ux design
    View Samsung SmartThings - Monitor your home from anywhere
    Samsung SmartThings - Monitor your home from anywhere
  2. Jabra - Companion app design sprint devoteam native ios android product design ui design ux design
    View Jabra - Companion app
    Jabra - Companion app
  3. Gjensidige & Gouda - simplifying the customer journey for web an application backend development design sprint devoteam gjensidige gouda native ios android ui design ux design web
    View Gjensidige & Gouda - simplifying the customer journey for web an
    Gjensidige & Gouda - simplifying the customer journey for web an
  4. Nykredit - Enabling customers to reach their goals through a tai custom design workshops devoteam graphic design iterative product development mobile development nykredit quality assurance system architecture ux ux design
    View Nykredit - Enabling customers to reach their goals through a tai
    Nykredit - Enabling customers to reach their goals through a tai
  5. 3 skickasurf - mobile application created to enable 3’s customer 3 application backend development devoteam native ios android
    View 3 skickasurf - mobile application created to enable 3’s customer
    3 skickasurf - mobile application created to enable 3’s customer
  6. Ella - Artificial intelligence friend that helps you look after ai design sprint devoteam ui design ux design
    View Ella - Artificial intelligence friend that helps you look after
    Ella - Artificial intelligence friend that helps you look after
  7. Telia Pay - Next gen payment solution backend development java native ios android react strategy ui design ux design web application
    View Telia Pay - Next gen payment solution
    Telia Pay - Next gen payment solution
  8. Djøf - A united member universe. api strategy architecture asp.net backend development net cor rest sitecore vue.js web api web development
    View Djøf - A united member universe.
    Djøf - A united member universe.
  9. Massive entertainment - A scalable open-source solution to boost design workshops development devoteam graphic design ui ux visual design web development
    View Massive entertainment - A scalable open-source solution to boost
    Massive entertainment - A scalable open-source solution to boost
  10. BeChange - Inspiring people to a more sustainable life building the platform concept development design sprint development devoteam education graphic design market research motion graphics sustainability ui user testing ux
    View BeChange - Inspiring people to a more sustainable life
    BeChange - Inspiring people to a more sustainable life
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