IMMO - Visual Language

October 30, 2023

IMMO - Home App

October 25, 2023

Immo Capital - Website Layouts

November 19, 2020

Hi folks! We've had the pleasure of partnering with ImmoCapital to help them launch a refreshed brand, website design, and a heavily modified CMS environment in WordPress. ImmoCapital is a next-generation asset manager & operating...

Immo Capital - Grid System

November 14, 2020

Hi folks! Sharing the grid layout and spacing system from the Immo Capital design process. As you can see we've used a 1280px grid system for the 1440px view-port. We've used 70px columns with 40px gutter. This results in a very precis...

Immo Capital - Brand Guidelines

November 04, 2020

Hi folks! Showing here some of the brand refresh we did for IMMO. For this project, we stripped down IMMO’s visual identity to its core elements –the colour yellow and the roof icon. Putting these two elements central and front, we built...

Immo Capital - Branding

November 03, 2020

Hi folks! Showing here some of the brand refresh we did for IMMO. For this project, we stripped down IMMO’s visual identity to its core elements –the colour yellow and the roof icon. Putting these two elements central and front, we built...

Immo Capital – Branding

November 02, 2020

Hi folks! Showing here some of the brand refresh we did for IMMO. For this project, we stripped down IMMO’s visual identity to its core elements –the colour yellow and the roof icon. Putting these two elements central and front, we built...

Immo Capital - Mobile Designs

November 01, 2020

Hi folks! We've had the pleasure of partnering with ImmoCapital to help them launch a refreshed brand, website design, and a heavily modified CMS environment in WordPress. ImmoCapital is a next-generation asset manager & operating...

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Balkan Brothers