Portify - logo case study

March 26, 2020

Spending this free time adding new case studies to my Behance. First one is Portify, a new identity I worked on just before Christmas. Check out the full case study via the link: https://www.behance.net/gallery/94313971/Portify-Finan...

Portify Logo V3 - Final Design

November 07, 2019

Hey Dribbblers, I'm finally able to show the final iteration of the Portify identity. After going back and forth with the client we decided to adjust the fold on the 'P' and the colours to be more fitting with the brand. Overall I'm pr...

Portify Logo V3

October 28, 2019

Here is Option 3 submitted to the client for approval. this actually was there clear favourite because of the colour used and the concept behind the logomark. Check out more work here: Behance | Instagram | Download

Finance Brand Logo Design V2

October 24, 2019

The second version of the first round of designs submitted to the client. This one was a favourite but didn't make the final cut. Check out more work here: Behance | Instagram | Download

Finance Brand Logo Design

October 23, 2019

This was a super fun project of coming up with creative ways to represent finance through a logo mark. This particular logo made the final cut but didn't get chosen. Look forward to showing the rest of the project logos. Check out more...

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Alex Aperios